There are a # of such revolutionaries in show, not sure where you r in it but it's not very apparent in early season 3 that this will be case;
- Season 5 is when Lyta Alexander really comes into her own and sets in motion a chain of events leading to the end of the Psi Corps offscreen (continued ->)
- Minbari don't really do capitalism exactly (they have more of don't know what malls are lmao, have more of a support network) and value honoring people seeking their truths / calling of their heart, Delenn effectively leads & reassembles a collectivist superpower
there's some more...
- G'Kar becomes quite the spiritual philosopher of what is basically cosmopolitanist pluralism, won't say more
- wish Susan Ivanova got more screentime at end of show considering her radical outlook as all but said to be an anti-soviet neocommunist
- oh and Mars and Franklin... can't spoil this
2 ur point though on need for radicals, yeah. whatever happens next few years the Democratic Party will not survive unless willing 2 have leadership entrusted 2 someone @ least interested in modern less discriminatory version of FDR's admin, eg AOC. otherwise... they'll be as doomed as Republicans
- Season 5 is when Lyta Alexander really comes into her own and sets in motion a chain of events leading to the end of the Psi Corps offscreen (continued ->)
there's some more...
- wish Susan Ivanova got more screentime at end of show considering her radical outlook as all but said to be an anti-soviet neocommunist
- oh and Mars and Franklin... can't spoil this
we have been read for filth for decades and society at large did not listen until the shadows took control of the government