How much student learning do you think a school district could gain just by better assigning its teachers to schools?
Consider a quite politically-feasible change. Do not let district make any assigned teacher worse off, nor change teacher hiring, nor compensation, nor the students.
New evidence!
Consider a quite politically-feasible change. Do not let district make any assigned teacher worse off, nor change teacher hiring, nor compensation, nor the students.
New evidence!
In the context of schools, the usual way would be to look for an assignment of student-teacher matches such that no pair wants to swap.
We attend to teacher well-being, only considering assignments that make each teacher at least as well off from their own perspective as the status quo.
But don’t maximize it.
- we only observe each teacher matched to classrooms where they teach, &
- matches we observe are not random, reflect selection by principals in offering jobs & teachers in applying & accepting them.
Observe openings for which any teacher qualifies, their decisions to apply, principals’ interview, rank, & offer decisions, & teacher offer acceptance decisions.
Linked to teacher job assignments & student learning.