True. (Minored in History)
First woman's right to vote - New Zealand in 1893.
Switzerland not til 1971, surprisingly.
Several of the Founders were Non Slave Owning Abolitionists.
Adams, Paine, Sherman, Morris, Hamilton.
Franklin had slaves in his youth but freed them and became an Abolitionist.
Something like that.
I remember seeing it back years ago.
Even then $$ was king, no matter what!
My exposure to the subject and what I've learned then and over the years has been brutal.
Shocking thing - Most estimates, more slaves in Barbados 1700s to early 1800s than Colonies for Sugarcane.
8th grandfather back died, 37 years old, fighting the British near Brandywine. Amazingly, his 16 year old son was also carrying arms in the battle. They were from Connecticut.
First woman's right to vote - New Zealand in 1893.
Switzerland not til 1971, surprisingly.
Several of the Founders were Non Slave Owning Abolitionists.
Adams, Paine, Sherman, Morris, Hamilton.
Franklin had slaves in his youth but freed them and became an Abolitionist.
I remember seeing it back years ago.
Even then $$ was king, no matter what!
My exposure to the subject and what I've learned then and over the years has been brutal.
Shocking thing - Most estimates, more slaves in Barbados 1700s to early 1800s than Colonies for Sugarcane.