Pain management is suicide prevention. Pain management is suicide prevention. Pain management is suicide prevention. Pain management is suicide prevention. Pain management is suicide prevention. Pain management is suicide prevention. Pain management is suicide prevention.
Also, is probably from trauma…still don’t have a fix, but might be thinking about trauma wrong…idk…
You might as well get used to medical care being done by elderly women now. Be sure to find cohorts before the Inquisition.
I'm lucky to be able to treat some of my pain. If I could get pain help for my flares... I feel like I could actually live.
Thank you for talking about the hard things. I know many don't want to. But feeling alone with pain is so much worse
Docs don't care about pain nor care about quality of life.
They also don't believe me. When they scoff at me saying 10 out of 10, they say, that's like an amputation or car crash, & I have to remind them: I know what amputation feels like. And it's this
Especially while breathing, talking, moving, or eating
The feel of my sheets when turning in my sleep is enough to wake me up screaming
Docs do not give a 💩
For 30yrs I've been accidentally colllecting chronic pain conditions, inc occipital neuralgia which is brutal, & thought I was well adapted to coping with pain.
Until I developed trigeminal neuralgia for the worst few weeks of my life. Severe pain is literally torture.
Doesnt matter how well you believe you tolerate it. If it's causing you distress, then it is and should be dealt with.
ED nurse btw. Don't water down your pain saying you have a high tolerance. Say it how it is.
You don't just stop living.
Maybe get an tested first!
There's treatment options with
Too bad most doctors don’t seem to think so. Especially if the patient is female. I had a wonderful Dr. He had the audacity to retire & I got stuck with a guy who refused to refill the meds I had been on for several years. Made me quit cold turkey.
I'm in constant, unrelenting pain. The bad flares last weeks, and yeah, I've contemplated suicide on several occasions. Just to stop the pain.
Eventually I'll give in, because there is no help for me.
And opioids are minimally useful.
I could find a way to share if anyone is interested.
Thank you for posting about it. We need to talk about it more openly.