and then suddenly you throw in a stealth sequence, which is basically a bad minigame with poorly communicated partially black boxed mechanics and intense punishment.
and communication and redundancy go out the window and you force your players to do implementation mind reading to succeed. why?
and communication and redundancy go out the window and you force your players to do implementation mind reading to succeed. why?
I think the *worst* thing about it is that it's obviously *useless*? Like, outside the tutorial for it, you get One (1) Backstab That Doesn't Kill, and then *everyone* in a 5 mile radius is alerted. Like, people, it's okay to cut shit! Especially when it's this broken.
Also, they're so few and far between that it's like what are we even doing here, people?
Like, the basic allure of an open-world RPG is that it gives me tools to choose to be better at the things I enjoy more, and to do things in the order of my interest.
'Sequences' weigh on the freedom of that choice.
*flips table*