@kissane a lot of this is too close for comfort but “It’s as if 3M’s accidental invention of Post-It notes while failing to make space glue landed them a UN veto.” was almost physically painful to read
@kissane Erin Kissane: against the dark forest : https://www.wrecka.ge/against-the-dark-forest/ : <-- Read The Whole Thing, bravo ! --> **QUOTE**: `And most of all: The social internet should be a forest—not The Dark Forest, but something much more like a real one: Interconnected from the […]
@kissane Great! There’s so much to think more about in there.
I like your observation that “the existence of dipshits is indeed unfixable, but building arrays of Dipshit Accelerators that allow a small number of bad actors to build destructive empires defended by Dipshit Armies is a choice”.
@kissane "I think our failure to remember that the mega-platforms are just intentionally extractive constructs run by brainmelted but very human weirdos is a failure of accountability, but our failure to remember that it doesn’t have to be this way is a failure not only of imagination, but of […]
I particularly liked “the world’s big platforms are steered by not by shadowy forces, but by teams of gold-rush-addled dorks whose sometimes-well-meaning employees are stuck frantically LARPing world government on internal forum software.”
I try to wait until I hit a formulation that makes me scream in displeasure and then go with that
I like your observation that “the existence of dipshits is indeed unfixable, but building arrays of Dipshit Accelerators that allow a small number of bad actors to build destructive empires defended by Dipshit Armies is a choice”.
I particularly liked “the world’s big platforms are steered by not by shadowy forces, but by teams of gold-rush-addled dorks whose sometimes-well-meaning employees are stuck frantically LARPing world government on internal forum software.”