If anyone has any ideas on where we could get two MRIs (brain + spine) and a spinal tap done on a cat for less than 9k please let me know. (Located in Solano county, CA but can travel)
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If you’re not one of the rescues they already work with it’s almost impossible to get rescue rates with them, I’ve been trying for years with no luck to find an in as a 501c3.
They do amazing work but the cost puts them out of reach for us at the moment.
Yeah, he’s a Rocket Cat Rescue sanctuary cat because of his long term issues. So the rescue would be paying, but we can’t swing something this expensive right now and he can’t wait indefinitely.
Honestly, the only place I could recommend to you is the veterinary college/hospital in Pullman, Washington. They’re going to have everything you need and probably be very cheap because it’s a veterinary college.
Is that usually the case with vet schools? Like, we have UC Davis here but they’re incredibly expensive compared to getting the same stuff done anywhere else locally. I don’t entirely know why, but it’s the only reason we don’t use them.
I can get that done here in Norway for about $800 dollars. I'd almost look into travelling to another country to do it at that price if I were you, if the cat can handle the travel.
9K is off the charts, wth is wrong with you, America?
No joke, I wish it was 🥲
I’d definitely look into traveling out of country with him to get it done, but I’m not sure I’d be allowed to cross any borders with a cat with undiagnosed neurological issues, given the fears around HPAI.
Hedge fund billionaires have bought the vet clinics, hospitals, houses, apartments,groceries &have jacked up prices. Biden was addressing it-oh, but the billionaires bought all our media so no one knew all that he did.They also bought the GOP &SCOTUS. We are so fuqued.
Welcome to Unfettered Capitalism where the things that make a corporate board & their shareholders the most money are usually the things that are literally life and death. We’re in it for the billionaires & shareholders 💰🎉 Even, perhaps especially, when health & lives are at stake 💰🎉 What a country!
They do amazing work but the cost puts them out of reach for us at the moment.
You're joking?
I can get that done here in Norway for about $800 dollars. I'd almost look into travelling to another country to do it at that price if I were you, if the cat can handle the travel.
9K is off the charts, wth is wrong with you, America?
I’d definitely look into traveling out of country with him to get it done, but I’m not sure I’d be allowed to cross any borders with a cat with undiagnosed neurological issues, given the fears around HPAI.