REALLY worth reading.
Gessen is Russian-American and lived under autocratic rule. She knows of what she speaks.
Gessen is Russian-American and lived under autocratic rule. She knows of what she speaks.
Episode 55: House Speaker Sucks Up to Musk, Trump Says Ukraine Sucks
Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Jifify, the platform for peanut butter lovers.
#Trump #Musk #Russia #Ukraine
It’s almost as if they had a monetary interest in creating these problems for us all.
However, this, the information blitzkrieg, is indeed something that she's seen before.
If only ten people in each city were at the first protest, and each brought two more people to the next event over and over we'll be over 55 million in just 7 events! Exponential growth!
Please share!
It's not enough for Dems to say, "You can't do that."
"Trump understands politics as the interplay of power & ideology. His opponents see politics as procedure.."
"..never has the Democrats’ technocratic, legalistic approach been more detrimental to the cause of democracy."