Literally how can anybody look at this monstrosity of an image and think yeah thats fine ship it? Geez.
Reposted from
Chet Faliszek
This is from a post on linkedin for Develop
The post brags about how their AI can free up people from QA jobs and programming game AI... as long as they are white dudes who can't spell?
And to see this output and say - this is what I am going to post?
There is such a disconnect in our industry
The post brags about how their AI can free up people from QA jobs and programming game AI... as long as they are white dudes who can't spell?
And to see this output and say - this is what I am going to post?
There is such a disconnect in our industry
It's pure corporate hell masquerading as futurism, but the mask is melting off and we can see through the gaps. It isn't pretty underneath.