I hope that changes and you are treated with kindness instead.
My only issue is protecting women’s sports.
I think once that happens, people will settle down.
My only issue is protecting women’s sports.
I think once that happens, people will settle down.
There was one time someone was banned and delivered a baby a year later 😮
State it plainly.
*You want us in prison or dead, because of bullshit your leaders lied you into believing.*
But whose children were you talking about? And in what way are we "coming for them?"
Let's unpack that.
...But it isn't a choice.
We want you in an insane asylum because we want you to receive care and we want you to stop hurting everyone.
How have they hurt your kids, as in the children you, in specific, are responsible for?
As in, actual physical things LGBTQ people have done to you?
...I don't believe you want us in institutions, because your taxes would pay for that.
I believe you want us dead.
...So, how much money should the government spend to round us up and put us in camps?
Because that's money that won't be fixing your roads, helping your local businesses out.
That's easily around a million people no longer paying payroll tax.
Do you think:
a-We are all or mostly child molesters?
b-Do you think we're trying to make kids queer?
How threatened are women’s sports from the minuscule number of trans people trying to play sports?
Please don’t be this simple minded. You’re why they get away it. Because you buy it.
Fucking hell
Wanna guess where Elmo & Running Mouth’s (Vivreck’s real Indian name) Doggy Commission will find savings?
They will cut art, music, theater, history, women’s sports, critical thinking…and re-fund home economics & social darwinism.
That has nothing to do with trans women.
That report does not have a Section 11.
It does have a Section VII-F that supports the participation of trans athletes and does not automatically demand the exclusion of trans women from sports.
So they, knowingly or not, posted a link to misinformation?
Do you have a link to the original?
...In order to compete in most professional or collegiate sports, trans people must be **on hormone replacement therapy for a year.**
Transwomen lose almost any advantage they might have had over cisgender women in that year.
UN special rapporteur calls for sex screening in women’s sport - Sex Matters https://sex-matters.org/posts/updates/un-special-rapporteur-calls-for-sex-screening-in-womens-sport/
Looks like a U.K. terf site.
https://npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/02/27/517491492/17-year-old-transgender-boy-wins-texas-girls-wrestling-championship https://search.app/jXjdPAi1FZXjzavD9
He begged to compete with the boys, instead.
I have no concerns about male sports. Women transitioning to men still have XX chromosomes.
2024 Olympics: The Nazi roots of sex testing and discrimination against trans athletes | Vox https://search.app/u9WBJba74diEno1t5
But I think of it as a proverbial "camel's nose in the tent."
It's a way to make the anti-trans movement seem as if all they really want is fairness?🤨