"#Doombo was everywhere. On the bus, in the park, at the coffee shop. Stoic, silent. He'd just be sitting there with his placard on the table."
"What did it say?"
"Did you?"
"No, regrettably. I did what we all did. I walked past the elephant in the room without making eye contact."
"What did it say?"
"Did you?"
"No, regrettably. I did what we all did. I walked past the elephant in the room without making eye contact."
Whenever someone apologizes to me for whatever reason, I can reply: "Forget about it. We have only three good years left. Who cares about it?"
I pause and then add: "It's funny because it sounds like a joke"🥁
Knackered today after singlehandedly battling a large apple pollard yesterday.
Arborist Velcro Jenga...
TBF, it was nice to hopefully extend the life of an ancient tree (They typically blow over/snap here if left alone).
How's the health, you still abstaining from general wellbeing?
I feel the need for a recharge and wondered if sticking my fingers in a plug socket would help?
At the quacks at 3:30pm, discussing the finer points of a torn rotator cuff.
2yrs seems like an awfully long time to wait for surgery... Sleeping was once a luxury, arboriculture now a challenge.
I'm hoping to qualify for being shot out back 🤞