too much. More than usual! Between the two of them, it's always Shi Qingxuan who drinks with wild abandon and Black Water (who was "Ming-xiong" then) would always the most responsible drinker. But now, he's drunk!]
Lord Black Water...? You okay..?
Lord Black Water...? You okay..?
[Takes his chopsticks away and calls a server boy to clean up right away. Putting a piece of silver at the edge of the table. Shi Qingxuan then walks over to He Xuan's seat and helps him stand, putting his arm over him.]
Let's go.
[He clearly was, in fact, already done.]
[Pats his head a few times with his fan to get his attention.]
You need to go back to your dwelling.
[Trying to swat that hand patting his head with a fan away.]