Many arent willing to look at how to logically solve problems facing society. No easy answers to life. ‘Tax the rich!’ is a mythical answer; theres always someone richer than you who you think should pay more. Ergo there’ll always be unhappiness with ‘the government’. Some clearly worse than others.
Do you think the facts that in all human history the rich have never been richer and humanity has never been more productive, but most of us are struggling to survive day to day and the planet is dying, might be cause to switch things up a bit?
'theres always someone richer than you who you think should pay more. Ergo there’ll always be unhappiness'
This is an argument for higher taxes on the rich. The greater the inequality in society the higher the unhappiness. Taxing the wealthier at a higher rate reduces inequality.
This is an argument for higher taxes on the rich. The greater the inequality in society the higher the unhappiness. Taxing the wealthier at a higher rate reduces inequality.