Almost got into an argument tonight over whether we should empathize more with restaurant workers or diners. Also noticed Hispanic dog walker greeting Hispanic elevator operator with "brother." #solidarity is all that's gonna get us through this.
I'm having ups and downs in terms of where we are and living life and I hope you are too, and not always in this place. Not judging, just concerned. Your point here is very apt but extremely depressing.
I wish I knew how to feel. I don't know how to feel anything more than present. All the other possible feelings just seem too large to take on right now.
Today after reading Smith’s report and watching the hearings I had that twitchy, panicked, stomach-to-the-floor disassociating sensation from the days after the election.
This feels like a slow plane crash, and we need to brace for the impact. But we don't know yet what's bringing the plane down or whether we'll be crashing into the tree tops, a mountain or into the water. 😳