Years ago in college saw a friend do this.
Of course the only logical thing to do was for two of us to put him fully inside the cover, tie it, and leave him outside someone else's door.
1. Turn cover inside out.
2. Stick your arms into the opening and pinch 2 farthest corners with each hand.
3. Now that you're nearly wearing the cover, pinch the 2 corners of your duvet. Holding down on both, hard shake the cover & duvet so you get half the cover on. Adjust.
Your life is about to change. Not because you're going to remember this but because you're now going to have to search for "how to roll quilt" everytime you change the bed.
Yeah, I'll usually set the 2 top corners, grab them and then violently shake the whole thing to spread the cover. Before climbing inside to fix it π
As a five foot + nothing girl I have to go full on ghost to get the bastard in the right place. If I don't come out looking like an extra from The Revenant then I know it won't stay put.
My husband learned the get inside the inside-out cover and grab the corners like a ghost method from Martin King (I'm told he showed it on TV3 once back when he was a weather man and won a competition for duvet changing speed).
I use IKEA food bag clips to clamp the corners in place til I'm done...
You need a tall dude to help. Putting duvet covers on is my superpower. I just stand up with it and stretch my arms out, takes 1 minute. Maybe I should start a duvet fitting service.
Of course the only logical thing to do was for two of us to put him fully inside the cover, tie it, and leave him outside someone else's door.
1. Turn cover inside out.
2. Stick your arms into the opening and pinch 2 farthest corners with each hand.
3. Now that you're nearly wearing the cover, pinch the 2 corners of your duvet. Holding down on both, hard shake the cover & duvet so you get half the cover on. Adjust.
Your life is about to change. Not because you're going to remember this but because you're now going to have to search for "how to roll quilt" everytime you change the bed.
I use IKEA food bag clips to clamp the corners in place til I'm done...