Remember NFTs? What the fuck was that shit. I’ll never forget being on a call with agents in London and they were scrambling to put an NFT department together and no one knew what they were
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People are still trading in shit like that...... it's astounding when some people are literally starving to death other arseholes are spending millions of dollars on jpegs of monkeys.
I knew they were balls from the start. I’ve done a total of 6 years in art college. Theres only one way to artificially inflate the value of shit art, and that’s to describe it using completely inaccessible language
Art-wise you were right, but i think there is a lot of potential for it as a technology. (E.g. No notaries acts would needed anymore to transfer properties.)
Somebody somewhere keeps ranting about how they can't believe their 1 of 10,000 8bit imitations of Andy Warhols tinned soup never held it's value every time they're drunk and managed to corner some idiot to talk to.
Both of those clowns have the same talent agency, which was also tied in with NFTs. It was an undeclared ad, and was very illegal. The FTC should have been up their talentless ar$es over that one, but another govt. agency asleep at the wheel shouldn't be a shocker.
Everytime I see this pic I have to double take, it's that very specific genre of it's so surreal, my brain and eyes registers it as as photoshopped shitpost
I was coming to say that. Fallon really is a talentless shill who will push any old garbage to help him earn money, and NBC are even worse for paying the man millions.
Best part of this video is the audience’s reaction. They think they’re having a joke played on them and you can hear the audible confusion in their laughter (not what Jimmy was going for)
Awful shite. Just goes to show you can sell anything! Remember that metaverse from Facebook? Businesses were opening branches there and everything. Never hear about it now.
Agreed. The 2008 financial crash was in large part due to financial institutions selling products their own boards did not understand. Nfts are incomprehensible and vacuous notions dreamt up by very clever but somehow equally vacuous brains.
i worked for a big podcast company and they were desperately trying to figure out how to turn episodes in nfts and spin it as benefiting creators. foul!
Jimmy Fallon and Paris Hilton talking about how much they love NFTs when they clearly haven't a fucking rashers is one of the weirdest moments in TV history.
In another universe someone paid you £5 million for an NFT of your profile picture. Who would you donate the money to? I don't think you'd be the type of person to keep it. Or would you?
the sacrifices we are making for AI are unexplainable because it's nonsense. People act like it's of the utmost importance but I'm not fooled. When ANOHNI sings about the destruction of the earth being her fault, I relate to that feeling as we watch the world unfurl.
It was such a bizarre thing. It literally did nothing except cost a fuck load of energy. I hope AI goes the same way. The amount that has been generated is already poisoning the well of content it can scrape and already there are signs it will cost too much to run overall.
Not sure why alot of people are lumping AI into this.. the idea of an NFT is fine. A unique token among generic ones is just a technical feature. Selling one for thousands/millions IS madness
AI might be a huge energy drain (now) but as a programmer, what I've seen so far has been amazing
Game over
AI might be a huge energy drain (now) but as a programmer, what I've seen so far has been amazing