I'm old enough to remember when shock-doc, Ciara was still on Twitter, and she categorically told me that 'Othering' a people was not the first step towards genocide. The world is safer now she stopped practising medicine
Seems coordinated: I heard the BBC radio 4 news doing a similar bit earlier today. Two boring legacy media talking heads, talking over one another about nowt. Meanwhile the world continues... When any of these absolute glands emit the W-word it's a desperate attempt to cling to an ersatz "relevance"
That’s a photograph of my desktop computer screen because I refuse to have Twitter on my phone. Photos of computer screens are often a cry for help. This is not the case here. I am of sound disposition and report high levels of happiness
Re those two “anti woke” pieces. The Ciara Kelly bit, is actually about the Irish times article. So this is corporate media inventing its own talking points and stirring up all the poor Donals
I keep seeing a vision of this giant wet prostate gland, pulsing, shiny brown shoe leather and denim nailed to it. Twenty condom pockets to hide wedding rings in. Stinking of paco robane. &all these 50 year old men, nude, reattaching their umbilical cords to it for utero placental opinion exchange
There’s this photograph of a 50 year old soccer fan in a pub, and he’s completely naked, being held in the air by his friends. It’s truly magnificent. Words don’t do it justice. I went looking for it there and the first result is my own tweet about the photo from 2018. I need to chill out big time
This is it. Pure poetry. I think of this any time I see a terrible opinion on the internet. I’ve added a load of content warnings, so hopefully it will be blurred and ye have to click on it to see it
Yep - Ian "I'm controversial, so I am" O'Doherty had one of those rants (he may have written the article in question) on Newstalk the other night.
The country is so woke we have people interviewed on the radio so they can moan about how they can't say the country is woke any more.
These ‘anti woke’, defenders of the dumb, also seem to be the same folk I hear spouting shite like, ”We always used to have a laugh at work, we used to call them n*****s and p**ies and they’d laugh too, no one cared”. The fact their targets had no real protection and were scared doesn’t register.
They will never answer the simple question, " what is it that you can't say anymore?"
Because deep down they want to say something racist, sexist, transphobic or homophonic, or other bigotry prejudices they have
The country is so woke we have people interviewed on the radio so they can moan about how they can't say the country is woke any more.
But the truth is, nobody is normal, everybody's weird.*
*Prof Elemental
"Oh, you're disabled/trans/gay/less privileged/etc? Sorry that's hard for you, but keep it over there, and best of luck."
I guess "post-woke" just means this has been re-mainstreamed?
Because deep down they want to say something racist, sexist, transphobic or homophonic, or other bigotry prejudices they have