Neither will I. What does she mean by that? She/they turned and walked away so quickly without so much as a single recount or audit request. I'm not giving up but I'm feeling somewhat abandoned by my party.
Kamala Harris you are the best. We need you to be president. While we celebrate Jimmy Carter's life, remember that Jimmy won the primary and the general in 1976 since he had four full years to focus 100% on winning. The clock is ticking and we need to work now to win in 2028. #kamala2028
For now, we don't know is she would've been a great President or just an OK President...but we already knew she's a better person than that orange baboon.
I cannot muster any emotional or other support for #Harris or #DNC for that matter. She/they could have taken decisive actions immediately after the election. There efforts to not be like MAGA were misguided like the DNC has been for years. “I’m not like them” is not a healthy stance.
Here's something that will help, according to Zig Ziglar ... when you wake up in the morning, clap your hands and say, "Today is going to be a GREAT day" before you get out of bed. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
And that compassionate and intelligent person could have been our president. It, truly, still seems unfathomable that so many people were so easily fooled by the lying, narcissistic, bombastic asshole.
This country is garbage
“We are not defeated”