This is a Christian Nationalist movement reshaping the government to then reshape American culture. Gial = Christian version of Saudi Arabia. They embrace corporatism, fusing religious extremism with elite economic power to control policy, wealth, & society.
We want a country that works for us, not to live in a corporation that only profits the elites while treating us as employees/resources. Drumph and his swamp of an administration need to fuck all the way off.
It has become imperative to recruit RuPaul Charles to do a lengthy inspirational drag musical number on the Senate floor. This should solve everything. (I wish I was kidding)
So,Trump has declared by his inscrutable fiat, at the council of his shadow President, that America is to be a mercenary nation
Trump has hastened the reversion of the US to a country with a manifestly less “exceptional” stature — and it is perfectly in keeping with his long-expressed worldview
Putins Russia runs like a profitable business too. Hence all the corruption and layers of theft. But you are right, Governing with the intent of serving their people, is a non profit business.
Fully discloses that she has no idea how government is designed to serve. And correct me, but isn’t United Health Care designed to run like a profitable business? How’d that work out for their insureds? And it works the same way in government, you have to take in more tax receipts than you spend.
And it needs to be a functional operation, not a shell corporation. King Sharpie & his boss are nothing but destructive.
Run this thing out of the country.
No one is asking her where her missing 200k is?
So obvious.....not only a business, but their business.....well, they each think it's their own
I really really really dislike Kayleigh Milquetoast 2.0 🤮
Trump has hastened the reversion of the US to a country with a manifestly less “exceptional” stature — and it is perfectly in keeping with his long-expressed worldview
trmp has had.
He’ll make you an offer just before citing Manifest Destiny and taking it anyway.
Accountability: who do they answer to?
Businesses must create value for shareholders by driving financial results.
Government must serve the people via policies to support public welfare.