I hear a very weird messaging from the European sources about US exit of NATO (possibly announced at the SOTU) and an invasion threat to Canada/Mexico. I will share details if I have a proof, but I’m mentioning this as this was discussed on 3 different occasions today
In contrast, I hope that she is correct, for the more that Trump does to reduce the USA's power in Europe, the better (whilst he and his party remain in power, at least).
I can imagine Trump exiting NATO, but invading Mexico and Canada?
The writing has been on the wall for a very long time.
What will americans do ? Dems ? The army ?
An idiot with no appreciation for how much the US has struggled dealing with insurgent forces half the world away. Who has NO idea what an insurgency on US soil would mean. A fool, braggart, Russian.
Tuesday he will address Congress. SOTU
However, if you are so inclined to believe that the system is no longer working. Read again the full second amendment. Then act accordingly.
Or wave his tiny hands and stamp his feeties.
(I like the idea)
Under what pretext?
As if Congress isn't in his pocket anyway. They'll declare war at his insistence and give him additional powers.
Remember how easily N.Korean just stole $1.5B in crypto last week. They can shut down our oil pipelines and electric grid with ease
He alluded to this in his inaugural speech. He is the figurehead for the Christo-fascists and I have no doubt they intend to seize territory.
It’s fucking terrifying and infuriating and I’ve felt like Chicken Little trying to get people to see this.
A war on multiple fronts. They asked for it. Bring. It. On.
There needs to be a leadership that comes from our gov.
If this is the upside down it's like a nightmare a bad dream. Sometimes I can do lucid dreaming.
So if all of this is just a bad dream I'm going to dream of a dramatic trump arrest or impeachment at the SOTU like a TV episode waiting for a last minute resolution after all hope is lost.
But since the WH isn't acting in the interest of democracy here or abroad - wouldn't that be Vlad's dream? Employ the US military to do his work for him?
I definitely didn’t vote for him and I do not support anything he has done thus far.
Well, I will fight for Canada or die trying.
Fuck Face could sabotage the alliance [NATO] simply by having America do less. This could include minimizing US participation in NATO exercises or restricting American officers serving as NATO commanders. The effects of a US pullback would be global.
“NATO” is an acronym. What does the “T” stand for?