I'll admit I'm way less knowledgeable about him, but from my time observing Canadian politics during and after the Freedom convoy nonsense. I get the sense in a less politically contentious scenario, Doug would be friends with Trump. This may be a free play to distract from his own incompetence.
Because hurting poor people who can barely afford their power is a good strategy too. 🙄 Fuck Doug Ford (and Rob Ford too). They're goddamn Trumpers anyway.
Ford is a loud mouth Trumper. The federal government will be responding not provincial. Ford is corrupt af. Canada's response will hit red states first.
Ford is lazy - more known for what he doesn’t do in a crisis tbh. He likes the media attention - he just got back from Florida and if he holds true to form he’ll be up at his cottage next
Not all Americans voted for or side with Trump. That's like saying all Albertans deserve Smith gutting healthcare and pushing mining initiatives over public protest.
How it's possible to divide between Trump voters and others?
By my side, Yesterday I canceled my NYT subscription, today Amazon Prime with the motivation 'Fuck Trump', tomorrow it's Netflix's turn and the day after Google One, the USA will never see another cent from me.
Can't help but wonder what this will do for "the base"
By my side, Yesterday I canceled my NYT subscription, today Amazon Prime with the motivation 'Fuck Trump', tomorrow it's Netflix's turn and the day after Google One, the USA will never see another cent from me.
Look at my profile 😉