It’s 5 a.m. and the Headline of the biggest newspaper in Germany „Bild“ is: „Trump‘s US economy on the brink of collapse - stock market quake - dollar crisis - inflation.“ By the way: The "Bild" is a strictly conservative fan of DT.
Felon tRump: Stupid, lying, demented spewer of bullshit to try to make Americans fear and quit, hide in the basement. Americans are resilient, tough, and love our country. We will not tremble in fear and give up. Felon tRump is the gutter trash who is afraid. We run to the battle, not away from it!
His twisted dreams are coming true. Destroy the country and when it’s destroyed pick through the rubble for gold. And he will walk on his maga followers as they delusionally continue to genuflect at their savior’s feet. Most even then won’t figure it out.
Almost better than the Simpsons.