Do you know of any other popular TS schema libraries besides Effect Schema and io-ts that support this feature? Otherwise, it may be too early for a standard specification to support it.
Solving real-world problems (e.g. custom data serialization) and pursuing solid engineering practices (e.g. designing for efficiency and edge cases) are more important than biasing towards current "popularity".
For now, yes. Type-safe data validation is currently the focus of Standard Schema. But it's great that you reached out. Maybe we should chat at some point to see if a decoding/encoding spec should be added.
In TypeScript: Effect Schema
Solving real-world problems (e.g. custom data serialization) and pursuing solid engineering practices (e.g. designing for efficiency and edge cases) are more important than biasing towards current "popularity".
Lots to learn from other ecosystems (e.g. Rust).
> A standard interface for TypeScript schema validation libraries
Based on this official tagline of the project, I understand that your intended scope only entails data validation.