You are laking a big piece of fandom lore then, I suggest you take a look at a guy named Lafcadio Hearn, also later known as Yakumo Koizumi, Maribel and Yukari are weirdly linked in the mind of a lot of fans and some sees them as the same person at different times, it's unclear, that makes it cool !
Also, Maribel is depicted as having kinda similar power in a lot of fanworks, in official ones it's a bit more blurred but you can see it, I just don't take it to seriously, but in my head canon there is something. That's why I love touhou !
Seems you were right! Certainly interesting what Touhou is up to nowadays. I gotta admit I never really play main games but instead the many spinoffs etc. And the newer characters don't appear much there ^^
Well Maribel isn't knew per say but she's part of the more modern era, she's also not in games she's a side character from music albums that zun releases from time to time, check it out someday!
She have a friend named Renko, we like to add sapphic vibes to their relationship, well, I do at least
She have a friend named Renko, we like to add sapphic vibes to their relationship, well, I do at least