chained wrists. No palm cupping his reddened cheek.
There was no sign of the reassuring touch that reminded him of his humanity.
As hours turned to days and days turned into weeks, any hope of leaving seemed to crumble. Not a second had passed that the man wasn’t pumped with sedatives. +
There was no sign of the reassuring touch that reminded him of his humanity.
As hours turned to days and days turned into weeks, any hope of leaving seemed to crumble. Not a second had passed that the man wasn’t pumped with sedatives. +
Their skilled hands never faltered when+
The fire that fueled Chuuya’s anger and frustration slowly dimmed into exhaustion. Bright blue eyes that sent threatening glares to his captures had lost its strength and will. There was only so much that someone like him could take. Human or not. +
Chuuya Nakahara entered the world alone and cold. A boy surrounded by death and destruction. Bodies littered around him with horror and panic frozen on their faces.
Perhaps it’s fitting to leave the world in the same manner. +
With one last breath, he had sealed his fate.
“Oh, Grantors of Dark Disgrace. Do not wake me again.”