Massive green moray makes a grand entrance 🐉 #greenmoray #thatsamoray #morayeel #grandentrance #fishparty #coral #coralhead #coralcitycamera #miami #portmiami #miamibeach #biscaynebay #coralcity #civicpridethroughbiodiversity #glennnevis #coralcityfoundation #ccf #kbcf
And it bites off your snout-
That's a MORAY!"
Starts to steal
'Cross the camera's field
That's a moray
But the sharks remember me …. It was surreal. I had perfect buoyancy and had a staring contest with a big nurse shark for 8 minutes. Poor thing had fishing hooks in it all over 😢
It’s sad how my first thought isn’t “oh odd creature” but “oh pollution in our oceans”.