The Trump Administration is going to continue to gut and reshape the federal government until it’s unrecognizable.
Here’s a 🧵 about how you can push back.
Here’s a 🧵 about how you can push back.
Join an organization.
Whether it's a nonprofit working to protect immigrants or the LGBTQIA+ community, your union, or your town or county Democratic committee, your time and energy can make a huge impact. Ask them where you can be most useful and get involved.
Figure out who’s running for office in your area.
There are a lot of state, local, and special elections happening across the country this year. If there's a candidate, chip in and get involved. If not, reach out to your state or county party and ask how to run.
Talk with your people.
Community matters, and we can push back against the deluge of disinformation and misinformation by building stronger connections. Talk to your friends and family, let them know you care, and try get them involved too.
Every second you spend talking to people you know (and even those you don’t) to build power and community makes an impact. Don’t give up any ground—organize!