As a man I’m sick of men
Failure is forcing yourself on someone not interested in you, dick pics, up skirting and general noncery is 100% failure.
Neither of us know of one woman that hasn't been.
Not one.
So yes, we're kinda sick of men too?
Both types are worthless detritus.
Somebody asked “what’s celeb x like?” & was told
“Imagine nobody has told you “no” for twenty years”.
It’s almost more surprising if they’re not arseholes.
I wish someone had taught me that lesson when I was young.
Apologies to creatures with a penis who aren't shitty guys, though
Fortunately I know that there are many good men around.
Because boys, for the most part aren't rapists either.
We men need to normalise not being a total cunt. And women need the law to be right there backing that up every single time.
It should't be this bloody difficult 😡😡😡
We all know it.
The police listen sympathetically but do little
Cases that do end up with CPS are dropped
Some men get away with it time and time again until the behaviour is normalised
Even the US president is a rapist
As a mum of a son, I'm also sick of parents not instilling respect for females in their kids when rearng them. Positive parenting/role modelling is important, calling out & not tolerating misogyny & sexism is a start!
Women don’t speak up because it’s impossible for them.
They don’t get belief, support & a lot of the time; justice.
I know one day things are going to be different, but until then, keep fighting.,your%20character%20during%20cross%2Dexamination.
My point on the OP was why should she have to? Agree with your points ☺️
Just normalise not hitting women, ffs!
It shouldn't be this bloody hard 😡😡😡