#PeoplesPop24 GUIDELINES
Here's the document - happy to clarify any questions etc you might have. (The opening phase works quite like the #UncoolTwo50 )
Here's the document - happy to clarify any questions etc you might have. (The opening phase works quite like the #UncoolTwo50 )
1 NOMINATIONS (Jan 1-12): Pick 10 songs, 1 a day, using the hashtag or send a list. Then pick 1 of them as your MAIN
2 VOTING (J13-25): Pick yr faves from a playlist of all MAINS and other popular tracks
3 RESULTS (J26-29): A countdown!
4 FINAL (J30-31): Vote on the last 4
Predictable clarification requested on mains:
- It says people can only select them from midnight on 11th Jan, but people sending lists should indicate a main and send them by 10th Jan.
- does this guarantee mains for people sending lists in? If not how do you decide clashes?
I'm so rusty...