W android comunity.
Like, ffs; why the hecc would you even use apple products if it's not to show off how much mone you have?
Like, ffs; why the hecc would you even use apple products if it's not to show off how much mone you have?
i like customizing as much stuff as possible so it was literal hell for me
I also really like customizing my stuff A LOT. which is kinda hard or buggy in IOS stuff and sux, when on android i just get 2 apps and done.
if iOS works for you then thats great, it just didn't work for me
ive been called a broke pleb numerous times because i have an android and ive seen android users acting like master race
how about we all just shut the fuck up and let people use what they want? :D /ntay
Abt functions, customization and needs or preferences, most of ppl say you don't+
until like a week ago if it wasnt for fortnite it would still be locked to what apple wanted in the app store under some heavy ass guidelines and crazy high platform tax for purchases
android could be way more safe if they'd make the play store a bit more closed off (please google stop letting literal viruses onto the play store im BEGGING)