there are several people in replies who had never heard about any of this, which is exactly why I'm going to keep bringing it up, with a measles outbreak out there and Secretary Brain Worms leading HHS
fwiw anybody reading this, I got vaccinated in the late 70s - when I told my healthcare provider I'd like a booster, she said "Sure hold on a sec" and got one. Didn't see any sense in measuring titers and spending money on it - just do it! Easy breezy.
I would add for the ‘68-‘70 folks, don’t waste time seeing your doctor. Ask them to give you the order that you need to go to a testing lab and test your titers. Then once you know, you can get if needed. If you get it without testing, you could be taking it away from someone who needs it now.
I'm more or less the same cohort - '57-'68, the vax we received was not attenuated live virus. So: everyone in our group should get an MMR booster. It's quick, easy, well-tested. A bit odd as it's subcutaneous rather than IM, but not particularly painful. People need to know. Hell, my doc didn't.
There was a specific type of vaccine offered to about 5-10% of people 1963-7 that turned out to be ineffective. IMO anyone who thinks they were vaccinated during that time frame should get tested or revaccinated asap.
Btw, there's no harm in getting a booster even if you don't technically need it