While the cartoon is funny his tenure is not. I fully expect that the Ryan White CARES Act will no longer be funded annually and I will lose access to my life sustaining HIV maintenance medication, as well as Lex Luther confiscating my earned monthly disability benefits from SSA. Extremely anxious.
1.5 million Americans are aided and kept alive by Ryan White's legacy each and every year so I am hardly alone in this. Above all of this is that they want to gut HUD which administers section 8 housing which serves another 2.5 million people across the US. And you think that having over 800,000
homeless people in the US is bad? Image suddenly increasing that 800,000 to 3.3 million! You think those people freshly unhoused by their own government won't be harassed and vilified by the communities they find themselves trapped in? You think they'll be treated any better than the immigrants now?
Nothing like the real one!
The current one should be filed under grifter, too bad the worm didn't finish him. It probably starved.