dead serious if you are looking to leave texas i will help you work through logistics i will help you figure out where to settle
if you decide on PDX i will go so far as to tour rentals for you on video call, Ive done it before
if you decide on PDX i will go so far as to tour rentals for you on video call, Ive done it before
Worked at a community agency for many years & knew about lots of resources but it’s been almost a decade
Cis pdx guy, father of a trans kid. I’ve made similar offers to a couple of mutes on here & wondering if there are others offering similar support & if so, if setting up a contact list or something might be helpful so that if anyone isn’t available at the moment or has
Checked & Traction has a program doing this that you can volunteer for in a few different capacities
Just a thought, happy to discuss further!