Let me put it like this, corporations setting up in any one of the 74 SEZs and 12 Freeports get corporate tax breaks for 10 years.
Corporations are already pushing to extend the deadlines beyond the 10-year limit.
Corporations are already pushing to extend the deadlines beyond the 10-year limit.
You are being charged with higher council taxes because corporations aren't paying their way.
18 SEZs and 2 Freeports in Scotland
8 SEZs and 2 Freeports in Wales
The UK is being privatised under Zone Fever, and still not one MSM outlet is investigating what is the Brexit transition period to a full blown kleptocracy.
What are they for ?
Redistribution centres ….storing cheap imports ?
Holding bays for Free Ports ?
Robot operated , little employment opportunities?
BBC News site today ….homes blighted by giant grey shed .
Planning over ruled ?