In my dreams last night, I started to tell a joke about a chip shop, then realised I didn't have a punchline at the end. So, all night, I kept the joke narrative going in the hope I would come up with something or else wake up before the end. (Note: this must be Stewart Lee's daily life) 1/4
Meanwhile, considering the Stewart Lee angle (see what I did there?) there might be some merit in a punchline involving a Herring?
Then there was a side joke about a window cleaner falling from a balcony and being impaled with a drying green clothes pole through him....
I considered leaving that as the joke...
Then I discovered the manuscript of the original joke in my pocket and was horrified to discover it was just a restaurant review cut out from a newspaper.
Have you woken with an inexplicable urge to buy deeply obscure Scandinavian psychedelia lps?