Facebook is restricting my feed for sharing this image, because it was taken from a movie. Not that it was an incorrect portrayal (far worse happened in reality) but that it wasn't an actual photograph of the SS murderers. π€ Sleepwalking to Fascism.
And the Israeli Zionist army brags about doing this exact thing. Actually proud of cutting the throats of babies and raping prisoners. And now fascism is coming up everywhere including the US
Give it a fucking rest. We know okay? But condemn him for Palestine only if you'll praise him for all the good he has done at home, otherwise you're just an idealistic idiot.
I had seen all the pics at a young age . My liberal parents didn't censor . We had a set of books ww2 the pictorial history. I knew about ovens and gas Chambers before I could make toast !
Maybe it's because you are governed entirely by insults and reactionary politics? just a thought.