The people that know and care have no power to change it. Demonstrations give people a sense of power but no result. They have the power to call the Federal Marshalls for violating court orders (we need to change that if we have the chance someday), but we don’t.
In Germany they didn't know. The news propaganda showed them going to a camp like Club Med in Czech Republic. From there Jews left to Treblinka and later Aushwitz still thinking it would be better. Just like we can't see Guantanimo they didn't see Auschwitz.
I've been told otherwise by folks who were there. A friend of my grandparents actually did time for smuggling bread crusts to a Jewish slave where she worked.
I knew Olek Rosner who was the boy who jumped in toilet in Schindlers List. Few other survivors that lived in Beverly Hills. I also lived in Milan and knew German citizens that were not aware.
Seeing this all unfold with our own eyes, it honestly makes me doubt if the Germans didn’t know or also didn’t care. It’s amazing how many hear the lies and are happy in the knowledge that they, as we all know, that they’re lies
The German economy had collapsed and it's people were starving before they embraced fascism. America just went through 4 decades of record corporate profits and personal wealth creation before they embraced Fascism. Pretty sure I know who the worst people are.
I have been to Dachau it’s in the middle of town. Books made it look like the middle of nowhere. Trains went through neighborhoods to get there. They knew. People knew and didn’t care. Because propaganda works. 50 years of it here has delivered results for the GOP. This is intentional. Disgraceful
People knew. "Oh yes, there were some Jews here but they all moved away". Bollocks. You know exactly where they went, and gladly helped yourselves to everything they left behind.