I mean, of course. Roughly about 30% of America doesn’t read or speak about a 5th grade level.
And only about 30% of the voting populous has graduated high school or has an equivalent GED.
Trump is not "American" anything. He is the president of the United States. America is the FUCKING continent, not your stupid country.
Stop shaming the other countries that have the bad luck to share the continent with you .
Fucking retardets
(The only letters I need to know!). 🤣😂🤣😂😅
And only about 30% of the voting populous has graduated high school or has an equivalent GED.
It’s all about courting the uneducated and inept.
Thank you for your service
Get your brains I to gear folks !
Stop shaming the other countries that have the bad luck to share the continent with you .
Fucking retardets