Fareed Zakaria is one of the most intelligent news hosts there is. I am no highbrow thinker, but I watch his show on Sundays just to learn more about the world rather than stay in my American bubble. Perhaps you should, too.
Yeah well. That is your opinion and I respect that. I used to watch him too and his specials. He knows better but just shifts with the wind. Oh. And don’t forget to buy his book
Well I have been to Ukraine from 2008 until 2016 and have been all over Ukraine and not just to Kiev to do some interview. And if you notice now Fareeds show is nothing more than a book sales outlet
I honestly thought the same as you until Fareed argues about his world based order(UN charter) and in the next breath argues for a peace deal contrary to his rules based order. Fareed has just become an elite who we call an educated stupid person. At least Erin was boots on the ground and a witness.
I will admit there are some stories I fast forward through. But, I do try to broaden my narrow world outside of U.S. borders.