In general, Optimus is always shorter than Megatron by a head. What if he is military equipment that was converted into a civilian during the growth stage? I wonder if he would have felt discomfort all this time? And I didn't understand why it was like that with him, as if it was cramped HHMMM🤔
I haven't read the almanac and I don't particularly like how Drift looks like a recolour of Blurr... I get what the implications of that is, but still. I prefer him still being a Decepticon in /Accidentally Creating Life/. More Dratchet angst that way. But that is something to save for later
OOOHHH yes. I like that more too and I'm Married to the concept of fuckass big cons so I don't blame you, if you ever....made your own drift design..... inquiring perverts would love to see it! And I loveee the potential for dratchet angst....I thought I saw a little reference a chap or 2 ago!
(I hope I didn't sound pushy also lol, you gotta draw the beautiful things in your head!) I like the idea of drift coming to earth in this big dramatic "I DONT CARE IF MEGATRON HIMSELF SLAGS ME RATCHET, I CANT STAY AWAY, I NEED YOU" meanwhile ratchet is busy midwifing this tiny prime screaming his
Head off and that megatron himself is tenderly fussing over (well, you know, the Decepticon version of fussing over 🤣) the cross faction relation ban is immediate
Ratchet: so you really want to prove you care about me?
Deadlock [on his knees clasping ratchet's hands in his massive ones] Yes ratchet, I'll do anything for you!
Ratchet, deadpan: then kill him. [Motions towards meg who is already trying to convince oppy to make their miracle another sibling]
And I do have this idea of Deadlock being assigned as OP's personal guard when the factions start to mix (I do think OP would try to work for a peace treaty) and Megs can't be around him at all hours of the day. Which makes Ratchey pissed af 😆
LOLL he's the best choice for sure ratchet reluctantly admits, but in his mind this is ALL megs fault for 1) having such instable soldiers 2) making so MANY fucking enemies that oppys safety is in such concern
Oh, you spotted that, did you? I thought I was sneaky about it... damn!
But I personally see him more aching to his IDW design, the one where they're conjunxed but make him more TFA fitted. I might make a sketch of it at some point, but it's still way off for Deadlock to even appear in the story
Deadlock [on his knees clasping ratchet's hands in his massive ones] Yes ratchet, I'll do anything for you!
Ratchet, deadpan: then kill him. [Motions towards meg who is already trying to convince oppy to make their miracle another sibling]
Ratchet: Ratchet, yes!
And I do have this idea of Deadlock being assigned as OP's personal guard when the factions start to mix (I do think OP would try to work for a peace treaty) and Megs can't be around him at all hours of the day. Which makes Ratchey pissed af 😆
But I personally see him more aching to his IDW design, the one where they're conjunxed but make him more TFA fitted. I might make a sketch of it at some point, but it's still way off for Deadlock to even appear in the story