I just want to sleep in my lair, curled around my eggs, a mate beside me, as my true, draconic self...
I don't want to pretend to be human today.
I hate this.
I don't want to pretend to be human today.
I hate this.
The pain ebbs and flows, it's what we do inbetween that helps make it worth it
Sometimes it's harsh and raw like salt in an open wound, sometimes it's dull and muted like an ache in your chest that never quite went away
But the good will eventually outweigh the bad, if you give it a chance
But what I want to say is that over time the hurt will begin to fade as you learn how to deal with it, and in it's place you can sow a certain kind of peace and contentment that will last for a lifetime
You're stronger than you give credit for
But I have hope that with technology, we'll overcome this limitation. Suffering isn't forever. That's what lets me go on.
We need merely last long enough.
It never goes away but there *are* ways to try to channel it, so it doesn't end up being quite as destructive?
It took me many years to figure out, but once I started pouring my hurt into writing it helped a lot