Dionel is now asking for the first few episodes he should listen to. What’s the intro 5-4 episode you recommend?
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I just taught my personal trainer about the Supreme Court. Started with Bush v Gore. Touched on Brown v Board. Lifetime appointments. Clarence Thomas corruption. Ended with US v Skrmetti. Saw this man’s brain change in real time. Lmao shout out Dionel
Hampton vs. US is another great one -- with an underlying theme going across many episodes: how the gov't regularly sets out to fuck people out of their constituational rights.
Brett Kavanaugh
FEC v. Ted Cruz for Senate
Lorillard Tobacco Co. v. Reilly
Nestle v. Doe
Biden v. Nebraska
Jealous of the journey he is about to take, like watching a great move with fresh eyes
Though Connick vs Thompson is a doozy too.
it's memorable to me for how naked the corruption is.