- Purged the LP of socialists, inc Jeremy Corbyn
- Supplied Israel w intelligence & weapons to murder Palestinians
- Provided diplomatic cover to Israel at UN
- Cracked down on peaceful protest
- Refuses citizenship to future refugees
If you're not angry; you're not paying attention.
- Purged the LP of socialists, inc Jeremy Corbyn
- Supplied Israel w intelligence & weapons to murder Palestinians
- Provided diplomatic cover to Israel at UN
- Cracked down on peaceful protest
- Refuses citizenship to future refugees
If you're not angry; you're not paying attention.
I’m glad I follow people like you Amy, it gives me hope that I’m not alone in wanting things to change (and not in the horrific Farage kinda way).
And thanks a lot Connor, likewise! It's not always easy to fight the good fight, but it's a hell of a lot easier knowing you're not doing it alone! ✊️
It is a dark and dismal place. Your incrementalist approach is all that’s wrong with soft left politics. A begging bowl of “please be nice” to sociopaths.
There’s only one destination from such a pitiful philosophy.
That aside, as a working class person my material position is exactly the same under Tory & Labour.
I would be genuinely very curious to hear what positives things Starmer has achieved in your view.
Labour does overlook the genocide. To this day they call it war. Starmer repeatedly says Israel has a right to defend itself, but not Palestine. A two state proposal after 1.5yrs of seige & genocide is no solution at all.
If u stand for humanity, & against genocide you cannot by default support Kamala, Trump, Starmer or the Tories.
This is an obvious red line, not a debate.
David, we see more eye to eye than you think. But for me Palestine isn't a single issue, but an overarching issue encompassing all other issues.
That's why I refuse to budge on it. Usually, I appreciate nuance. Just not here.
And it was Corbyn who requested that we stop arming Ukraine 🇺🇦.
I’m no Starmer fan btw…
Why? Does that bother you?
And to me, that seems quite odd for someone claiming not to like Starmer. So I thought I'd ask the purpose of it. Does that bother you?
As far as international policy is concerned the UK can do very little.
I do not condone the horror show of what is happening in Gaza.
I’m left-leaning but think JC was a disaster.
Always the same solution when they become unpopular .. play the hard man, start a war. That'll improve the ratings.
What's happening in Gaza is horrific and needs to stop.
I wish Starmer would stand up and condemn Israel.
But...well I like Starmer and I guess I'm not ready to desert him yet.