The most annoying problem for Zero's launch was what bug tracker to use.
GitHub is way too slow, and Linear doesn't have public bugs or permissions – both required for OSS projects.
This was driving me nuts, until I realized the only possible solution… ⏩
GitHub is way too slow, and Linear doesn't have public bugs or permissions – both required for OSS projects.
This was driving me nuts, until I realized the only possible solution… ⏩
Yeah, we built a bug tracker.
Not a demo. An _actual_ bug tracker, that our team relies on, and has been dogfooding for months.
A bug tracker that has *instant* (zero millisecond) UI transitions, live updates, and fine-grained permissions.
As soon as you get more data than you'd want to sync to the client, need fast startup, or need fine-grained permissions, they start to fall apart.
Our experience so far – even with rough edges and occasional missing features – is that Zero is an incredibly fun and productive way to work.
If you're building a new SaaS web app in 2025 and considering sync, you should try Zero. We're moving quickly toward beta and I think you'll move much faster riding with us than going it alone.
More information about pg support here:
We can do better than this. The chip in your laptop can do 1 *trillion*calculations per second. Software should not take a half second to respond to a mouse click.