I want to see Labour making videos of bad, greedy, dangerous bosses who mistreat, underpay & endanger their workers…
being raided by inspectors, escorted off the premises, shamed by clued up union reps, hauled over the coals in tribunals, having their files seized, named and shamed.
being raided by inspectors, escorted off the premises, shamed by clued up union reps, hauled over the coals in tribunals, having their files seized, named and shamed.
Reposted from
The Guardian
Labour urged to defend workers’ rights bill as poll shows huge public support
Then as soon as the inspectors leave, the safety guards come off and the lines speed right up again
At least that’s what used to happen
I expect I still does
Luckily Scotland has the SNP sorry rUK.
Makes sense if you think about the grim call centre / warehouse employment conditions on offer in post industrial areas.
Any desire for Labour to do anything good is delusional
You only have to see who donated to them and dig deeper into the freshman Labour MPs former jobs
I still can't believe unions still fund them when they should bring the government down