A bunch of car park owners have been granted a High Court review to try and get rid of the Dublin City Transport Plan.
So far the plan has delivered faster buses and reduced traffic - while footfall keeps growing.
Backwards stuff that must be resisted.
So far the plan has delivered faster buses and reduced traffic - while footfall keeps growing.
Backwards stuff that must be resisted.
Or do we want a system where we spend money on
Building better not on pretending the legal profession know best on all aspects of urban planning, transport, water and electricity infrastructure?
In this case, for example, they're using some clear legislation allowing them to alter road layout...
It's quite clear that they can do that, but the car park people will try argue that there should be some statutory form of consultation, or that the consultation that they did falls short of some standard based elsewhere, or that there is...
It's not a case of following some clear set of rules: it's much more open to interpretation. And this sort of endless legal challenge system makes stuff so very hard to do across the board.
Dublin city should be run by and for its people - not its car parks.
The transport plan is working - the next phases look good - we should keep going.
Sadlad behaviour.
Here's a good breakdown of what's wrong with their report: https://www.thejournal.ie/readme/dublin-city-transport-plan-barra-roantree-6434736-Jul2024/