What are your thoughts on animal genitals in anthro/furry art?
I'm considering dropping it in my art. I barely draw it. I have a faun character that has female equine genitals. I love her but worry it's controversial and can potentially be banned in the future.
I also find human genitals hotter!
I'm considering dropping it in my art. I barely draw it. I have a faun character that has female equine genitals. I love her but worry it's controversial and can potentially be banned in the future.
I also find human genitals hotter!
Though I do tend to like human genitals the most.
I have seen people fight about canine cookie. Odd one is fine but the other is a line.
I myself prefer human genitals; that's just my own taste!
There are some people hung up on genital type meaning zoophilia, but that's totally incorrect.
There are people and places that view all animal genitals as an issue, so I am being cautious about that, even if I think they are getting it wrong.
Uncut dongs on fox girls, please~
If you want to see human bits just go look at human porn? Just my opinion. I like furry art to get away from humans.
Just do whatever you feel you want/need to ^^ Not hugely bothered one way or the other about it, just personal prefence. I enjoy your art regardless of what kind of bits haha.
But with animal genitals, it seems there is a line with rules on some sites. The more detailed my art, the higher the risk.
The better I get at my art, the more I risk it. What a situation!
I really want to build support for my art drawing what I truly want!
But I can't risk my art getting banned. Animal genitals are in a "you can't, but you can, but don't emphasize it" place when I asked on Patreon
One of my main worries is the internet merging into one giant space where the rules will generally be the same on most sites, so if I get banned on one, I get banned on most.
Animal genitals would need to be cemented in as acceptable.
My trans OC, Sedah, will get the uncut dong treatment!
ButI do gravitate towards human genitals. Hot stuff!
Going high detail with human genitals? No issues at all!
My characters are all in their mid 20's to, like, 50, haha
And all are upright anthros.
Doesn't matter to me what kind of cock you have bolted on though I'll admit I find human ones a bit boring personally.
A nice set of spines or ridges would probably feel amazing when it comes to simulation.
Some ridges, though?
Hmm, I might like that~
Would be even better if I could then convince my Mistress to peg me with it.
But I never hate seeing human bits on them either, and I prefer them for all the other poor less gifted critters~
I think MLP got me to like equine more over time.
I did want that one OC with female equine genitals! But the risk seems too high if some sites view it as potentially rule breaking.
If it ever became so, I think I might leave. Not that I am super attached to it, but fantasy and artwork isn't real life, and I don't really want to be in a place that treats it so, I suppose
I saw a response from BlueSky banning human x animal art saying art is "problematic" and "influences harmful behavior". Not what I draw, but it made me think about being safe.
I can empathize with your worries, and have had the thought myself often...but in the end, what's most important is what you want to draw on any given character. You think it'd look good with animal junk, do that. If not, don't.
But it brings me some stress now as I worry about it getting me banned. That's a whole process to go through, then I would need to delete all her art everywhere and redo it with human genitals if I wanted to post it again. That's a lot of worry!
But I can't shake this feeling it is one of the next art themes to get the axe on websites with payment.
But, like, you're free to mix and match whatever you enjoy, no need to restrict yourself or be accurate.
Since I have so many characters I am working on for a larger project, it would be nice to have some variety, but it's risky, so I might stick with human genitals for all, even if a little boring.
I've asked about tentacles before. They are fine as long as they are consensual. Makes sense in the rules, so that's good. But animal genitals? Very unclear.
It was nice variety and was fun since she was partially inspired by MLP's Chrysalis!
But I also want to keep my art safe from sudden bans, haha~
And I only have one OC with animal genitals out of over 20.
Sedah can still bang that!
I was told the MLP art I was working on was not okay.
Worry is if that will change now. I can only be guaranteed on current rules, not future ones. And the rules still list it as a fully banned topic. That is a lot of gray area!
Frustrating part is I would need to go remove all my previous art with it and redraw it to make it safe to post.
I was hoping to have one OC with equine female genitals, but it feels like that is a risk now. Just one OC standing out like a sore thumb in there, haha
To hell with the puritans.
I also see it's more of a gray area than I expected. I assumed animal genitals and furry art were totally fine together, but i get some mixed messaging on some site's rules, so I might just stick to human dong.
I'm not telling you to make art the way I want. Just make art the way you want and disregard what people think.