Friends! Percy the Adventurer has decided it’s time to check out the Tap. He’s intrigued by it but a little nervous too. Cleo is also very interested. Ron has not so much as jumped up on the counter yet. Either he can’t or he doesn’t want to. I’m not sure which? (Full video on X / Instagram)
Twitter is just too toxic.
Hoomans in the bath/shower fascinate cats for some reason. Qrow always tries to get in with me so I make sure he is elsewhere!
As for Ron… ‘I’m not helping, I would rather play with Baby Dog’. 😻🐶
Never repeated!
The only time Qrow is interested in the kitchen tap is when I'm washing vegetables (usually spinach or kale) so he can sneak a few leaves 🍃
Probably because they have a fountain ⛲️ to drink from. Cats love running water