Seriously? Who cares? We have held the mantel for decorum and decency for years and it’s gotten us nothing. In what world does Hunter go to jail, but Dorito, Gaetz, and Hegseth are free? He paid his debt and for his crimes with ridicule and shame. He has been through enough. Leave him alone.
The double standard is out of control. How many pardons, how many lies did the media ignore from the other guy. But suddenly they need smelling salts to get over this. Give me a break
Oh for pete's sake. As if Trump was basing his 'ethics' on what Biden does. Trump will do whatever is the worst possible option regardless. The Dems are a pathetic circular firing squad.
After Trump’s dangerous cabinet choices, Joe had no choice but save his son from the radical project 2025 enforcers! He did not lie… just changed his mind based on extenuating circumstances!
As one of *the people*, I respectfully disagree...the Electoral College elected Trump, not the people. The popular vote tells the tale. He couldn't even garner 50% of that.
So we are in agreement on the topic of Biden’s pardon of Hunter. “ The People” especially on this topic on this format are cool with the pardon and it’s had more than its 15 minutes.
I'm surprised he waited so long to do it, tbh. But I'm glad he did. I think we all know what's coming on Jan to cover all bases. And now we have Moscow Mitch crying foul cuz he just lost 2 judge's seats, after making a deal with Schumer. Two Dem judges have decided not to retire. Funny!
Focus on this trivial matter is unworthy of serious press. In light of the MAGA promise to politically persecute Hunter Biden the President has no choice. He should also hamstring MAGA any other way he can before leaving office. These are not normal times: MAGA is not your dad’s Republican Party.
Yes. This topic has had more than its 15 minutes and is a mere blip compared to us loosing our democracy. Stop making this nothing burger something. It’s a fucking hangnail. Grow up and write about real problems.
The right was silent when Trump pardoned criminals (plural). Now I'm supposed to be upset when Biden pardons one person? The right normalised this. They own it. So get over it.
After Trump’s nominations of Bondi for DOJ and Patel for FBI, it’s clear President Biden felt he needed to rethink his position on pardoning his only living son. Smart move!
Oh well. Some of those supporters also forced him out. When Biden is forgotten and Trump burns the country down, he will have his son and his tight knit family which many have forsaken.
And this is why the Dems will continue to lose power..
There’s no point finger wagging at your opponent when they are destroying everything around you. In the animal kingdom, the fight is avoided unless it’s about survival.
It’s now about survival.
Wake up.
Biden before the pardon had a superior legacy as President. He accomplished more in 4 years than any other modern President. Yet, his approval rating was always low & the country reelected Donald Trump. So Biden pardoning his son was the right thing to do & everyone who disagrees should STFU!
Democrats continue to ignore their constituents. The majority were loudly begging President Biden to pardon his son. "Some" equals a minority and an untrustworthy media.
Well done Mr. President. And, thank you.
We're sorry the fair and balanced justice system's been infiltrated by MAGA filth.
Democrats need to hand over leadership and start finding a new generation of leaders who represent the left. This has gotten so stupid. Whoever Trump blesses in 2028 will win because Democrats treat their base like shit and hold themselves to some dumb standard no one else cares about.
President Biden pardoned his son’s crimes for 11 Years not just for his 3 recent felonies.Could it be Joe wanted to stop investigations of any potential Hunter cash for access scams he ran for China and other bad actors to get access to his Vice President,and President father over the last 11 years?
Nobody criticized criminal DJ Trump 4 pardoning 150 criminals when he left office in Jan 2021; & what about now, Trump is filling his admin with all criminals! There was a time when such criminals like Trump who is guilty of 34 felonies would B locked in jail. Guardian US should B ashamed 4 Ur angle
Maybe if they got up and voted a normal person for president that would have a point, but America pardoned a criminal who committed treason and is after revenge leaving Biden no choice. Maybe these losers start mobilizing a base instead of being, well, losers!!!
Because trump has been so concerned with precedent thus far? He won't share his tax returns, he won't put his businesses into a blind trust, he won't return classified documents he stole on his way out of the white house. Theres bigger fish to fry than Biden loving his son
Exactly. That's the problem. You're not going to fix the corruption in MAGA Republicans without fighting fire with fire. The "when they go low we go high," routine sounds nice, but it doesn't work in today's corrupt reality. Dems, stop eating your own!
And why does no one mention Trump's lying and flip flopping
There’s no point finger wagging at your opponent when they are destroying everything around you. In the animal kingdom, the fight is avoided unless it’s about survival.
It’s now about survival.
Wake up.
Well done Mr. President. And, thank you.
We're sorry the fair and balanced justice system's been infiltrated by MAGA filth.
Because trump has been so concerned with precedent thus far? He won't share his tax returns, he won't put his businesses into a blind trust, he won't return classified documents he stole on his way out of the white house. Theres bigger fish to fry than Biden loving his son