Indulgent royalty, lounging in a box, reminiscent of old Henry VIII on a bender! 🍰👑 Straight up OG move. Staying true to himself and living his best life! This little critter knows how to party! 🐾✨
It's me yesterday after a two hours breakfast at the Y.
Took me 1 hours of stretching and exercise before starting to play .I was still feeling it after an hour of Basketball...
Morality ,eat after exercising..
I was not very hungry just a 5 eggs Omelet, and a couple of SUNY side up + cheese and ..
Poor lil thing looks like he's gonna pop. 😄
Took me 1 hours of stretching and exercise before starting to play .I was still feeling it after an hour of Basketball...
Morality ,eat after exercising..
I was not very hungry just a 5 eggs Omelet, and a couple of SUNY side up + cheese and ..